Day 32: Johnathan for the Unroe Family

Our Goal is to raise $400 for Johnathan… $278 to go! 


Today (for the second day) we are fundraising for the Unroe family!  This amazing family just last year adopted five children from Reece’s Rainbow.  They are now going back for three more!  We are fundraising for all three of their precious gifts from God, and we hope you will join us each day.  Here is their family’s story…

“We had just gotten back with our newest five kids when we felt God calling us to go right back. I was driving down the road one day and was talking to God about it and about how if He’d give us a year I could have the funds saved back up to make the process much EASIER. I just felt Him say to me “the cross wasn’t EASY, but I did it for you”. I went home and started figuring out what needed to be done to go back. It was a short time later that God showed us “who” and at that point I would not have dared to “wait”. Our kids need out of there and they need out quickly. They are already loved and adored here, but they have no idea what that even means. When they arrive home, we will have 21 children, but we are just as excited (maybe more so because we know more now) as we were when child #1 was on the way.”

The second Unroe child we are fundraising for is their son, Johnathan.  This precious boy just turned 6 years old.   He has hydrocephalus. A shunt was placed in 2011, and since it was delayed his head is a little too big, but he’ll grow into it. He has no medical complications from it and has no other medical problems. He walks, runs, feeds himself with a spoon and plays well with other children.  This may sound typical, but for the abysmal conditions in his orphanage – those accomplishments are miraculous!  This boy is going places!  He is interested in everything that goes on around him. He plays with toys, stacks blocks, and likes to play hide and seek. He claps when cheered by adults. He can say a few words and understands everything that is said to him. He knows the members of the staff by name, and enjoys going on walks outside with caregivers.

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Below is our daily devotion on fasting. Go here to learn more about our devotion and Lenten journey.


Our Daily Lenten Devotion

Fasting Rule 32: Jesus is in your work.

Daily Scripture Reading: Genesis 2

Weekly Memory Verse: Hebrews 12:1-7

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, ‘You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.’

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field.” – Genesis 2:15-20

I remember my college days fondly.  I was studying outreach and Lutheran confessionalism (word checker doesn’t believe me but, yes, that is a real word!) and I loved my hands on experiences in the field.  One summer I stayed at a rundown church in inner-city Saint Louis.  The congregation had died and sold the building to a pastor to hopefully rebuild its crumbling walls and make it once again a vibrant spiritual home.  We lived and worked there, reaching out to the local community and doing practical labor for the church’s much needed renovations.  It was a lot of work, but it was good work and I loved it.

One of the pastor’s who was mentoring us and overseeing our days, regularly took us into the sanctuary for devotions.  There were a couple of days where the devotion consisted of scrubbing the neglected, dusty wooden floor boards in the church.  The first time he directed us to get buckets and rags for our devotion I was a little confused.  But I have to admit, those were some of the most enjoyable devotions I have ever had.  While Scripture was read in the  background, the back and forth motion of hands-and-knees floor scrubbing was not only incredibly therapeutic, but it felt right.  It was such a large task, scrubbing the floor of that huge sanctuary, and we never finished it the weeks we were there.  But receiving God’s Word while doing the good works that He has prepared for us is so natural for our communion with Him.

Just like in our passage today, God and Adam were working together in the Garden before the fall ever took place.  They were working, and it was a good thing!  So often we see work as the enemy, but I am convinced that there will be plenty of work in Heaven, and it will be refreshing and enjoyable.  I think it can be here on Earth too.  We have been talking the last few days about our focus on Christ.  Friends, Christ is in the work He has given you to do.

Daily Challenge: Scrub the floor.  Yes, really.

Day 31: Charity for the Unroe Family

Our Goal is to raise $400 for Charity… $177 to go! 

Presley-245x300Today (and the next THREE days!) we are fundraising for the Unroe family!  This amazing family just last year adopted five children from Reece’s Rainbow.  They are now going back for three more!  We are fundraising for all three of their precious gifts from God, and we hope you will join us each day.  Here is their family’s story…

“We had just gotten back with our newest five kids when we felt God calling us to go right back. I was driving down the road one day and was talking to God about it and about how if He’d give us a year I could have the funds saved back up to make the process much EASIER. I just felt Him say to me “the cross wasn’t EASY, but I did it for you”. I went home and started figuring out what needed to be done to go back. It was a short time later that God showed us “who” and at that point I would not have dared to “wait”. Our kids need out of there and they need out quickly. They are already loved and adored here, but they have no idea what that even means. When they arrive home, we will have 21 children, but we are just as excited (maybe more so because we know more now) as we were when child #1 was on the way.”

The first Unroe child we are fundraising for is their daughter, Charity.  Charity is almost three years old.  She does not walk, talk or have any self-help skills. She does not play with toys and avoids interactions with adults and children. The reports indicate that Charity’s physical growth is significantly delayed, both her height, weight and head circumference. Her weight is comparable to an 8 month old baby. Her cognitive development is listed at a 5 month old level and her social and communication development at below 3 months old.  These delays are largely a result of profound neglect throughout her life.  Charity was born premature and has spent her entire life in an orphanage that intentionally starved and neglected children to keep them small and “manageable”.  Although the orphanage is now under better care and gradually undergoing changes, the lasting effects of such abuse still remain.  Charity needs to come home so that she can learn how beautiful she is and what true love really means!

Charity’s Mommy is doing a Facebook Event for her day on Forty to Forever, complete with party favors for the guests!  Check it out here.

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Below is our daily devotion on fasting. Go here to learn more about our devotion and Lenten journey.


Our Daily Lenten Devotion

Fasting Rule 31: Keep your eye on the prize.

Daily Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5

Weekly Memory Verse: Hebrews 12:1-7

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

While we are on the subject of clinging to Christ for endurance, I thought I would offer some practical advice on that matter.  In our minds we all know that the prize is Jesus! Look to Him and you will want for nothing else.  But actually doing that throughout the day is much more difficult.  Easier said than done, right?  I have heard many people talk about this verse, “pray without ceasing”.  I have heard some people try to minimize it.  “Oh, it doesn’t actually mean never stop praying… you can’t possibly pray constantly!”  Don’t ever let anyone tell you that.  They are robbing you of an intimacy with your Creator that is blessed and real.  And yes, you can have this communion with God this side of eternity!

I have experienced this.  I am not saying this boastfully, quite the opposite.  Notice I *have* experience – not am experiencing?  I used to have this kind of intimate relationship with Christ.  We talked constantly throughout the day.  I was always praying; it was simply what I did.  It truly is a miraculous gift of the Holy Spirit when this type of prayer is bestowed upon your life.  A gift that we should all be fervently asking for!  But it has alluded me for many, many years now.  I do encourage all of us to pray for this gift, however.  What could better help us to keep our eyes on Christ than a day filled with one, unbroken, unceasing prayer?

I wish I could give you a nice, easy step-by-step on this one, but if I had that I would be doing it to!  The only way to make this happen is for God to make it happen.  Pray that you can experience this beautiful gift that I was once given, and took for granted!  And while you’re at it, maybe pray that God would see fit to bestow it on me again as well?  Thanks, I appreciate any prayers I can get.  Cause for sure know I need ’em!

Daily Challenge: Pray without ceasing.  Just try it.

Day 30: Gemma for the Brown Family

Our Goal is to raise $400 for Gemma… $159 to go! 


Paul and Maria have been married for seven years. Before Paul and Maria married, they discussed one day adopting or becoming foster parents.  The “plan” was to have all their biological children first, but God interjected.  After having two of their own children, they discovered Reece’s Rainbow. Initially they doubted that they could undertake special needs adoption, with their two young children, a 5 year old and 2 year old, keeping them busy. Paul and Maria were inclined to wait, but seeing the experiences of the other families, God changed their hearts and adopting a child with special needs became a possibility.

By January 2012, Paul and Maria, carrying the conviction that adoption may be the next direction for their family, started their homestudy without a specific child identified. Both agreed that if God desired this to work out, then it would. Over the next months and through different roadblocks, God further adjusted Paul and Maria’s plans on what their child’s special needs would be, what country they would find her in, and He added fortitude against the unknowns.  Together, Paul and Maria discussed the additional medical care, the extra therapies, and the life long hands-on care of children with disabilities and institutional delays.

After months of prayerfully considering children and several failed attempts at committing to a particular child, God lead Maria to the most desperate of situations. Children with varying special needs were “found” living in an orphanage under conditions the country’s government compared to Auschwitz: children suffering from extreme malnutrition to be kept small and manageable, laying in their diapers for days, the smell of death and disease prominent in their building.  It was clear that this was the orphanage they were to adopt from.

The daughter that God chose for them, Gemma, is five years old. She is roughly the size of a 12 month old baby. With the improvements in care at her orphanage, Gemma is being taken from her crib to play and is learning to sit up and crawl. Her underlying diagnoses are vague, and it is unclear how the extreme conditions she has lived in will affect her long-term growth, or her mental development.  She, like all the other children in her orphanage, have suffered greatly.  Paul and Maria are sure they have been guided to the decision to adopt and, specifically, to welcome Gemma home.  They can’t wait!  But, since they have to… you can read the full background of their story and Gemma’s, follow their preparations, and witness what comes of their family’s little light at their blog: Carry Your Light.

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Below is our daily devotion on fasting. Go here to learn more about our devotion and Lenten journey.


Our Daily Lenten Devotion

Fasting Rule 30: Wash your face.

Daily Scripture Reading: Matthew 6

Weekly Memory Verse: Hebrews 12:1-7

Yesterday we talked about motivation (or lack thereof).  I challenged you to simply keep going – keep running the race.  Even now when the race is closing in on its end, but not quite so close that we can taste it.  The glamour is gone, but it’s time to simply finish the race.  Perhaps you thought of ways that you could remotivate yourself.  Clinging to Christ is usually a good start in that, but our human nature tends to look everywhere else for motivation first.  If the frills and thrill has been taken out of our spiritual life, let’s get them back!  Vying for attention is one way to do that.

Usually this happens during the beginning of Lent, the question… “So what are you giving up for Lent this year?”  I will admit to doing this.  And usually, it’s not because I am really that interested in what they are giving up as much as I am interested in telling them what I am giving up.  It’s the attention.  It motivates us, but not in a good way.  Our sinful nature always wants people to look back on us, when we should really be pointing people to Christ.  Yeah, I feel terrible announcing publicly that particular sin.  Shame on me.  Shame that I have so often turned what should be a good, cleansing spiritual discipline into a talent show.  Shame for making a mockery of the serious spiritual battles raging in my life.  Praise God that I am forgiven, because I need it so very badly!

I challenge you, as you fight for each next step in this race, do not look to others for the strength to finish strong.  Look to the only One who can help you finish the race – Christ.  Do not flaunt the difficulty and your perseverance in this battle, but celebrate your victories privately with your Lord.  This is not time for a glamorous beauty pageant.  It is time to win.  It is time to cling to your Savior and finish this battle with the help only He can give.  So get up; wash your face.  Smile and imagine how very happy you would be if you could eat a luscious cheesecake paired with the most decadent coffee (or hot chocolate if you share my own tastes) for breakfast.  Wouldn’t that just be the perfect start to your day?

Fast, but live as if you were feasting.  Do not flaunt your pain or discomfort to the world; give that only to God and feast in Him for the strength to pour out love, joy, peace, patience, goodness and kindness to all those around you.

Daily Challenge: Resist the urge to share your fasting with others.  Instead, focus on talking about it with God.

Day 29: Ulysses for the Smith Family

Our Goal is to raise $400 for Ulysses… GOAL MET!

UlyssessThis is one of the best stories this year!  The Smith family started out as advocates for Ulysses on Forty to Forever, and now they are adopting him!  God is so good to give us the desire of our heart.  Here is a little about the Smiths: Aaron and Dana met in an unusual way – at a hay auction! They both grew up on farms and started dating after unloading hay together. A year later they were married. Aaron and Dana have been married 13 years and have 5 amazing children together – Natalie (9), Kristen (7), Noah (6), Audrey (4) and Isaac (2). Aaron is a self-employed interior painter. Dana works part time at the post office delivering mail.

Earlier this year, Dana was searching for information on adoption. While researching, she learned  about the number of orphans in the world and the terrible conditions of some orphanages.  One day, she came across a website that changed her life… Reece’s Rainbow of course!  On Reece’s Rainbow, there are hundreds of children available for adoption.  Those precious little faces really tugged at her heart.  The children on the website all have special needs whether it be HIV, Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, or other needs.

All of these children desperately need families.  Many will end up spending their lives in institutions.  Dana wanted to help and let people know about these children.  One boy in particular really stood out to her –  A cute, little, blonde-haired boy named Ulysses.  Ulysses is three years old and is blind.  For him, being blind has meant spending most of his first three years in a crib with very little interaction.

It is likely that he will be moved to another orphanage around the age of four and later on to a mental institution where he will spend the rest of his life.  He reminded Dana so much of her other children.  I guess now we know why!  He is one of her children!  She began advocating for him, wanting him to experience life to its fullest and leave the confines of his crib and orphanage.  Dana felt an instant connection with him, like he belonged in the family. She shared his information with Aaron. After much discussion and research, they decided to tell the kids the great news – they were going to have another brother! The kids were on board right away. The whole family can’t wait to get Ulysses home and they greatly appreciate your support.

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Below is our daily devotion on fasting. Go here to learn more about our devotion and Lenten journey.


Our Daily Lenten Devotion

Fasting Rule 29: Speed up, don’t slow down.

Daily Scripture Reading: Hebrews 12

Weekly Memory Verse: Hebrews 12:1-7

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” – Hebrews 12:1-2

I ran track in high school, the dreaded mile and two mile races; I have also run a couple of 10ks.  My dad is a marathoner, and I have always remembered what he told me about the third lap of the mile – that is the hardest part of the race.  Two thirds of the way through, you’re not quite almost done, but you’ve been running long enough to have lost the momentum you started with.  So what is the answer to this conundrum?  When you get into that physical and mental fatigue, speed up don’t slow down.

It is the same with fasting in my experience.  Even just fasting for one day, two thirds of the way through you start feeling a little less motivated to stick it out.  How much more so with the Great Lenten Fast which is forty days!  Dear friends, let us “speed up” rather than slowing down.  Let’s reaffirm our resolve and rededicate ourselves to this fasting journey.  It is not going to be fun anymore; it is not going to be new or exciting, but let us continue running this race and endure till it’s end!  This is my encouragement for you today friends; fasting is no longer what any of us want to do.  Let us persevere, discipline ourselves, and do it anyway.

Daily Challenge: You have made it this far, reaffirm your resolve to fast with God’s help.

Day 28: In Memory of Jonathan

Our Goal is to raise $400 for Jonathan’s family… $271 to go! 

sasha-1Tears flow as I write this very painful post for you today my friends.  I had been looking forward to this day in our campaign more than any other.  I probably shouldn’t play favorites, but who could resist those gorgeous eyes?  Jonathan was the first orphan to ever become a child of my heart.  In so many ways, if it were not for this boy, Forty to Forever would not exist.  His sweet face touched a friend of mine, and in that one moment, I didn’t know it, but my life was changed.

Just three short days ago, it changed again, and not for the better.  Jonathan’s mommy and daddy got word that their beloved son had gone home to be with Jesus.  Waves of grief washed over a close-knit adoption community who had prayed, advocated and given of themselves so that this boy could experience love.  A love that he had never known.  He was just five weeks away from being held in loving arms for the very. first. time.  He was nine years old.  There is so much for his family to do at this time, so many decisions to be made.  I could not possibly ask Kat to write in the midst of her grieving.  So instead, today I will tell you my story.

When I started Forty to Forever, I knew instantly that I wanted Jonathan to be a part of it.  He was my star, the catalyst that took me from being a brokenhearted mess, fundraising here and there, to a full-on advocate for these children.  I chose this exact day for his fundraiser, the Saturday of Saint Patrick’s Day weekend, because it is the one year anniversary of my first fundraiser for him.  It was called “Shamrocks for Sasha”.  (That was his name on Reece’s Rainbow before his parents chose the name Jonathan).

I knew he was going to be transferred soon, so I used that information to try and increase the urgency of my appeals for him.  It was also his birthday that week.  I knew he was going to be transferred soon.  And I knew that the statistics were grim.  He was already so tiny and frail, could he survive a transfer?  God blessed our efforts; we met our fundraising goal and put Sasha on the Moving Mountains page.  He now had a sizeable grant for his adoption!  I prayed his family would see him.

I took a break from my advocacy efforts while we welcomed our new son and moved to another state.  That fall, I came back to find my sweet boy still waiting.  He had a LOT more in his grant now… but still no family.  There were now also big red letters next to his picture… the very ones I dreaded and hoped I would not see.  He had been transferred.  My heart could not remain idle.  I contacted everyone who had helped before and announced a second fundraiser for Sasha.  There was no time to lose.  This fundraiser was also a great success, and to top it off, right at it’s conclusion we were told that his family was coming for him!  They were about to commit!

I will never forget how I felt reading that email.  My Sasha was going home.  I was on top of the world, and eagerly waited to find out who they were.  When I “met” Kat through email she was incredibly sweet.  I had the privilege of sending their family our raised funds in time for Christmas.  In the back of my mind… I knew winter was coming.  The harsh winters in Jonathan’s country were terribly dangerous for the children locked away in institutions.  I knew that for him to survive the winter would take a miracle.  But for some reason, I just could not bring myself to acknowledge those statistics.  He had a family.  They were on their way.  He just needed to hold on a little longer.  Just a little longer sweet boy…

When I heard the news, I was devastated.  It was as if everything I have been working so hard for these last few months was just taken from me and smashed into pieces.  I wrote Jonathan a letter about this story.  I sent it to his family to read to him when he was older so that he would know what an amazing impact he had on so many people’s lives, even while sitting in one of the darkest places.  I wanted him to know how much he was loved by so many.  We have already raised almost $7,000 through this campaign, but for me the highlight was going to be watching Jonathan come home and knowing that his mommy and daddy would read him my letter and tell him this story.

Honestly, I was a little worried he would never be able to fully comprehend what I wrote.  I don’t have to worry about that anymore.  Jesus is with him, telling him all the wonderful stories about all the people who loved him so much while he was on this Earth.  He is getting to know us all, his brothers and sisters… his mommy and daddy.  He doesn’t have to wait anymore for those sweet arms to hold him.  But for all of us here, we will have to wait a little longer than we had hoped.

Friends, please pray for Thomas and Kat and their family, as they mourn the death of their son and brother.  God, in His great mercy, is giving them the strength to continue in their adoption journey.  I have no other details for you at this time, but I ask that you pray for their guidance and that you consider blessing them with a gift.  We cannot take away the pain of losing Jonathan, but we can remove the financial burden and make their path clear for the child God has in store for them now.

Please go here to read their story and offer your condolences and blessings.

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Our Lenten Devotion

I could think of no better way to end this post than by sharing the Scripture and truths that Jonathan’s family spoke on their blog.  This is their post from the candlelight memorial they held for sweet Jonathan.  Please read it.  I know this is not the traditional devotion for our campaign, but there is so much beauty and truth in these words…

Jonathan’s Candlelight Memorial

Day 27: Wesley Needs a Family!

Our Goal is to raise $400 for Wesley… $239 to go! 

WesleyI first saw Wesley’s story when my son and I were trying to decide on a new prayer warrior child. My heart immediately went out to him. I came from an Asian society too, just like him. And I understood what it meant for him to look so different, to stand out so much. My heart absolutely ached when I read that his family left him when he was 6 years old! He had already known what a family meant. I don’t know why his family had to leave him but I do know he must have been so hurt and sad.

But despite this major trauma, he maintains a sweet disposition. He is said to have a gentle temperament and is polite and sensible. He has no problems getting along with others.

Like most children, he likes to be outdoors, watch cartoons and listen to stories. His favourite toys are ones which makes sounds, likely a reflection of his vision problems.

Wesley can lead an absolutely normal life in a society which accepts him for who he is and values him for his contributions rather than judge him on his appearance and his very minor disability of vision problems.

People with albinism and related vision problems can get their vision corrected to the degree where they can see enough for normal daily life. But Wesley’s chance for such medical treatments would not be in his home country, especially when he has no family to support him.

He needs a family to love and support him. He needs a caring mummy and daddy who would encourage him to make the most of life. He has been waiting 6 long years for a family and in less than 17 months he will age out of the system and his future does not look good at all without a family. Hopefully a bigger grant would encourage a family to step up for him.

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Below is our daily devotion on fasting. Go here to learn more about our devotion and Lenten journey.


Our Daily Lenten Devotion

Fasting Rule 27: Be patient and persistent.

Daily Scripture Reading: Philippians 4

Weekly Memory Verse: Proverbs 7:1-3

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.” – Phil. 14:19-20

The message for today’s devotion is quite simple.  It’s necessary whether you are fasting, pursuing another spiritual discipline, enduring hardship, facing challenges or difficulties of any kind.  We live in a fallen sinful world.  And more importantly, we are fallen and sinful people!  We are redeemed in Christ’s blood and forgiven of our sin, but this side of Heaven perfection is not something we will ever obtain.  We must be patient with ourselves, and we must be persistent.

Especially for those of us who did not grow up in certain spiritual disciplines, it is incredibly difficult to create new habits after decades of ingraining the old ones.  And we’re adults!  If that last cookie in the cupboard is calling our name, no one is going to force us to go to bed without it.  Our own self-control (for most that has not been properly groomed) is often the deciding factor in our success or failure.  We are often weak, and that being the case, beating ourselves up for not being being strong is not going to make us stronger!  God is patient with us, continually bearing with us in our weakness.  It is our own pride that asserts we cannot do the same!

Second, be persistent.  Don’t give up after you have failed.  Don’t lower the bar, just get up and try again.  Each time will come easier, each time you will make it a little further.  If this is your first (or tenth) attempt at fasting and it is going miserably, pray for help, and keep going.  Work through the humbling experience of failure and give your spiritual discipline to God.  Fasting is a hard thing! If you’re not doing well, keep going anyway, and don’t make it a source of stress.  After all, if you are stressing about your personal spirituality, how does that equip you to serve and love others throughout the day?

Daily Challenge: No extra challenge today. Just fast!

Day 26: Inaiah for the Cox Family

Our Goal is to raise $400 for Inaiah… $167 to go! 


Inaiah is being adopted by the Cox family.  Let’s help them bring their sweet girl home!  Her mommy writes:

“We are currently a family of 5, soon to be a family of 6! My husband Michael, and I (Rachel) were married in May of 2006. We have 3 amazing and different biological children, Wyatt is 7, loves video games, and legos. Emery is 5, loves anything girly, and is especially excited to no longer be the only girl. Oliver is almost 4 and is the sweetest cuddler, wants to travel to space, and be a pirate… if anyone can make those two things work together, it would be him.

We started our adoption journey in August 2012. In October our adoption agency received a file of the most beautiful little girl, named “Dollie”.  After a brief discussion, and much excitement we knew this little pixie was ours.  We have decided that her new name will be Inaiah, meaning God Answered. Our little girl just turned 3 , at which time the director of her baby house decided that she has much potential and needed to be moved to the healthy older child orphanage in order to help further her development, and not fall further behind.

After just a short time in the new orphanage, Inaiah started walking! We can not wait until our new little pixie home to love and dote on! So far the money we have needed has been provided, and we have no reason to think that the remaining ransom to bring our little girl home will not be. It is our belief that children are the greatest gift, and everyone of them deserves to be loved and cherished as if they are the only one.”

Flash Giveaway!!

$100 raised… We giveaway a $25 Gift Card!
$225 raised… We giveaway winner’s choice from Just Love Coffee!
$400 raised… We giveaway the 4 book set of Josh the Robot written by Peter Rowe. An author who just happens to have an extra chromosome 😉

SHARE or DONATE to enter!

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Below is our daily devotion on fasting. Go here to learn more about our devotion and Lenten journey.


Our Daily Lenten Devotion

Fasting Rule 26: Use soft words.

Daily Scripture Reading: James 1

Weekly Memory Verse: Proverbs 7:1-3

“Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”  James 1:19-27

Sometimes when I go to write these devotions I think, what more needs to be said?  God said it pretty well Himself the first time!  Today is definitely one of those days.  I read this passage, and I am instantly convicted and reminded of what is important in life.  And let me tell you, what I have to say is certainly of little importance compared to the Word of God!  So, I will be brief.  I encourage you to not just skim the verses above, but take your time with them (instead of with me).  Inwardly digest them, help them to prepare you for your day.

And when you go out remember the wisdom God has given us here.  Make your words soft and kind, after all, the rest of your good works are worthless if you cannot bridle your tongue!  Try out today’s challenge and see if it helps.  We never know what people might be going through on any given day.  Give the benefit of the doubt and remember how you would like to be treated if you were having a rough time.

Daily Challenge: Try being a little more patient and caring than you think the situation calls for.

Day 25: Brett needs a family!

Our Goal is to raise $400 for Brett… $357 to go!


Brett is very smart and curious. He has some learning and language delays associated with institutional life, but he does speak in complete phrases around people he trusts. He enjoys cars, coloring, and games. He got very excited when we showed him pictures of dogs and other animals, so he might do well with pets.

His cerebral palsy limits his lower body, specifically his legs and feet, but he is very strong in the upper body and crawls very quickly.  He is a very active kid who needs some physical therapy, appropriate equipment, and perhaps braces to get where he needs to for walking. He is able to pull himself to standing.  The orphanage has worked with him on potty training and he seems to be doing well with it.

Brett is being advocated for by Jen.  She says… “I found out about Reece’s Rainbow when a family that participates in a communal blog link-up adopted a little boy named Joshua through them. Then, during Lent, Leila of the Little Catholic Bubble, gave up political discussion and instead focused on raising awareness of orphans from Reece’s Rainbow. It was through “Orphan Report”, a site that grew out of that Lenten discipline, that I discovered Brett. His picture stayed with me and the fact that he had Cerebral Palsy just tugged at me. My son Daniel has developmental disabilities and I had watched his amazing physical therapist take him from army-crawling to walking in a matter of months. If that could happen with Daniel, how much more could be done with Brett if he had the chance to have some occupational and physical therapy!with him on potty training and he seems to be doing well with it.

I joined Reece’s Rainbow’s Guardian Angel program and started “Blogging for Brett” to raise awareness of him. In November a family tried to add him to the adoption of their daughter, but in December the adoption fell through. When Brett was re-listed, I renewed my efforts to find him a family, posting prayer requests and participating in a weekly link-up in which I blog on seven books that I would read him. (In his profile, it states that he loves it when his nurse reads to him.) I know that his family is out there and I will not stop advocating for him until he has a mama!”

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Below is our daily devotion on fasting. Go here to learn more about our devotion and Lenten journey.


Our Daily Lenten Devotion

Fasting Rule 25: Be kind.

Daily Scripture Reading: James 3

Weekly Memory Verse: Proverbs 7:1-3

“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” – James 3:17-18

If you have ever had a family member who was addicted to a substance and tried to quit, you’ll know why this rule exists.  Not naming any names… but I’ve known a few people in my life who have tried quitting sugar or soda or some other seemingly benign, but addictive, substance.  They are usually pretty grumpy for a few days!  (Or weeks)  It’s the same with us fasting people; whenever we deprive ourselves of something, especially when that something is food, we will probably have a tendency to be in a bad mood.

The nature of fasting is, honestly, a test of our other spiritual fruit.  Kindness, patience, self-control…  It really brings to surface all those not-so-pretty parts of ourselves that we can usually keep hidden just enough under the surface on a good day.  Fasting brings our spiritual weaknesses to light so that we can no longer pretend they do not exist.  Instead, we should surrender these parts of ourselves over to Christ and pray earnestly that He heal them.  Don’t try to do it yourself!  If you’re already grumpy and short-tempered, trying to fix it will only exhaust you  more.  Instead, when you feel that ugliness bubbling up in you – step back and PRAY.  Ask God to bring you those fruits of the Holy Spirit that you are so desperately wanting.  He who asks shall receive!

Daily Challenge: When you notice yourself struggling to be kind, take ten seconds to pray and ask for help.

Day 24: Giselle Needs a Family!

Our Goal is to raise $400 for Giselle… $309 to go!

GiselleGiselle is being advocated for by Lydia Rosencrants.  Lydia is currently adopting another child, and she is still shouting and fundraising for this sweet girl!  If Giselle reaches her fundraising goal for today she will make it on Reece’s Rainbow’s Moving Mountains Page!  This is a page that lists all the children on Reece’s Rainbow that have large grant funds (over $2500).  This would be great visibility for her, and it may help her family find her!  Please help us get this sweet girl an extra chance to find her family, she really needs out!

Miss Giselle has struggled her whole life.  She desperately needs a loving family of her own.  She is facing imminent transfer.  Her list of medical needs is long and includes microcephaly and epilepsy, but she is just so beautiful!  And she is SO much more than any list of diagnoses; what a blessing this little girl will be to the family who scoops her up!

Lydia says…  I am in the process of adopting, but not the child I am advocating for. I had already chosen my child before I found Reece’s Rainbow. When I found RR, I looked at the Other Girls 0-5 page because that’s where my child was. I fell in love with another little girl there, Giselle. Unfortunately, Giselle is in a different country, so I could not adopt her as well. She is just so beautiful! Her face has a grace about it. I really don’t know any more about her than what is on RR. I have never found another adoptive parent that has met her, although someone who adopted from her orphanage says that it is not a good place. Giselle appears to be very malnourished and it is hard to believe she has survived the harsh winters in her country. She really needs to be adopted soon.

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Below is our daily devotion on fasting. Go here to learn more about our devotion and Lenten journey.


Our Daily Lenten Devotion

Fasting Rule 24: Write God’s Word on your heart.

Daily Scripture Reading: Proverbs 7

Weekly Memory Verse: Proverbs 7:1-3

“My son, keep my words
and treasure up my commandments with you;
keep my commandments and live;
keep my teaching as the apple of your eye;
bind them on your fingers;
write them on the tablet of your heart.”

 This has, so far, been our unspoken rule.  Every day I post a weekly memory verse, but I have not yet given you a rule about it.  Since we have been talking so much about God’s Word, I felt this would be an appropriate time to let this rule be spoken.  It is important to understand that merely reading the text of the Bible is not going to give you the understanding or the intimate relationship with God’s Word that provides continual strength and encouragement, even long after the devotion is over.

Treasuring up God’s commandments, His instruction and His Word, takes more than reading it for five minutes a day.  Even if you read through the Bible in a year, you only see every passage once a year!  How much will that passage stay on your heart or in your mind if you only pay attention to it once?  One of the most effective ways to treasure up God’s words is to actually write them on your heart by memorizing them.  If you can instantly recall a passage to mind whenever you want it, you will always have it with you for times of difficulty or temptation and you will be empowered to think on heavenly things rather than the things that perish.  It’s like thinking God’s thoughts after Him!

It’s pretty easy to do, and if you don’t know where to start, perhaps begin with the memory verse for this week?  I even typed it out for you so you don’t have to go looking for it!  If you are going to fast, or take part in any spiritual discipline for that matter, you should certainly be sure to keep God’s Word on your heart throughout the day.  Literally carry it with you so that the strengthening and encouragement you receive from your daily devotions resonates continually rather than fading into the background.

Daily Challenge: Do this week’s memory verse.  Don’t wait, memorize it today so that you will have it in your heart all week.

Day 23: Olivia for the Binkley Family

Our Goal is to raise $400 for Olivia… $158 to go!

Binkley FamilyMeet Sam and Michelle Binkley.  They are adopting a sweet 13 year old girl named Olivia.  And she has been waiting for a family for a LONG time. Orphans who are older and going to age out of the system within a few years have a particular need to find families and be rescued from the bleak fate that awaits them when they are turned over to the streets.  Thankfully for Olivia, she will not have to face this reality and instead will know the love of a family.  Olivia  particularly enjoys math, literature, reading & singing. And the Binkley family is so excited that God chose to bless them with the privilege of being her family!  Here is their story:

“We were married in 1999. We have three biological children: Abby (age 12), Jack (age 10) and Ben (age 9). We love spending time together, going on adventures and having fun. Life has been going along smoothly for us—We’re a typical American family. We’ve had our routine worked out and life has seemed just perfect. That is, until a few months ago…God began tugging at our hearts that He had something more for our family. Through watching friends experience the beauty of adoption and finding out more about the situations of many children in orphanages, God’s plan became clear to us. He’s calling us to step out in faith, open our hearts and our home, and expand our family through adoption.

Our God is our ultimate and perfect example on how we are called to live. Hosea 68:5 says, “Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—this is God!” God’s heart is for His people…ALL of His people. We’re stepping out because God has called us to share His great love. We’re no different than any other typical American family. We’re stepping out—and sometimes, we’re even a little scared! But we’re trusting that God, Who called us to this amazing road, will bring it to completion. We’d love for you to join us on our journey!”

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Below is our daily devotion on fasting. Go here to learn more about our devotion and Lenten journey.


Our Daily Lenten Devotion

Fasting Rule 21: Let Jesus pick you back up.

Daily Scripture Reading: 12 Corinthians 12

Weekly Memory Verse: Proverbs 7:1-3

On Saturday we talked about the not-so-fun or uplifting reality that we fail, and that it is so important for us to be able to admit our failures and move on.  Today’s reading expresses perfectly why we need to do that, even if it isn’t the most glamorous part of our walk with Christ…

“So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Cor. 12:7-10)

See?  I didn’t tell you all that stuff about failure yesterday just to depress you!  I told it to you that you might understand how Christ works in us and that you might allow Him to do this work and be strengthened.  So how exactly does this work?  Let me use my dear husband as an example (it’s his birthday today).  He is in his last year of school, studying to be a pastor.  When we first started at seminary he hated public speaking; I remember what a nervous wreck we both were the first day he had to preach!  It was ok… but it was not great.  For two years I worried if he would be ready to handle preaching after he graduated.  And then, one day… it just happened.

I did not have time to help him or look over his sermon, so for the first time… he was preaching and I had no idea what was going to happen.  I was worried!  And guess what? It was his best sermon ever.  After that I refused to edit for him, obviously the Holy Spirit was working in ways I could not improve on!  I mean really, who can improve on the Holy Spirit?  I often tell this story to family and friends; I love how encouraging it is.  God really does equip us for the good works He has called us to do.  He provided the skills for preaching that Jake needed – exactly when he needed them – not before and not after.

I have been told a few times in my life something along the lines of “Oh I’m so glad you’re doing _________.  I could never do that, I just don’t have the __________.”  Now perhaps they really were not called to that particular work, but we should never point to our failures and inadequacies as reasons not to do a good work.  If God calls us He will equip us!  And so also, when we are fasting, or doing other good works and we fail… we know that it is still the Holy Spirit who is calling us and equipping us and Christ who is providing the strength.  If we lower the bar, we strip Christ of His glory.  If we, instead, admit our failures and weaknesses, we present an opportunity to boast in the supernatural power of Christ who gives us strength to jump after so many failed attempts.  And when we do succeed, we will forever be able boast in Christ’s victory – He who won the battle we could never have won for ourselves.

Daily Challenge: Boast in (share) your weakness today with someone.  Use it as an opportunity to proclaim Christ’s victory.